
John Frazer

In the final chapter of Paranormal Perspectives: One Big Box Of Paranormal Tricks there is a quote from Charles Dickens, ‘An idea, like a ghost, must be spoke to a...


Lisa Hopkins

Cultivating a Life of Creative Possibilities  The art of ‘Living in the Moment’ is a much discussed topic along with ‘Mindfulness’, both of which when discovered, make wonderfully easy changes...


Janine Lowe

Feng Shui was the buzz around the new age community for some considerable time, but as with all things, slowly moved aside for other trends; for those who embraced the...


Dr Peter Cowley

Thomas Scott Townsend (1812-1869) was a man who, over the time of his amazing life spent surveying the unknown and vast area of what is now New South Wales and...


Alison Lester and Coral Tulloch

Antarctica is a continent that remains shrouded in mystery for most people. We seem to read and hear snippets of information about its icy terrain. Alison Lester and Coral Tullock...


Edited by Jackson Ryan, Carl Smith, foreword by Corey Tutt

This book is eagerly awaited by many science enthusiasts and those who wish to keep up date with current thinking. It is a readily accessible path for people, as the...


Peter Ackroyd

Faith of a Nation This scholarly and deeply researched book, The English Soul, will be of great value to those interested in English History, The Christian Religion, and well known...


Gareth St John Thomas

Dogs and Us is guaranteed to win the hearts of any animal lovers. Its photographs, helpful texts and professional advice ensure that any dog owner will find it helpful. Anyone...


Ann Treneman

A Gardener’s Miscellany of Fascinating Facts and Remarkable Plants The wonderfully illustrated hard cover on Horti-Curious is a perfect introduction to the informative contents. The chapters range from Beautiful Botany,...


Tony Lewis

The #1 Growth Metric for Every Boardroom Brand Momentum; what it is exactly is something that Tony Lewis discovered very few Corporations had any idea about and yet it is...


Amanda Lovelace

Amanda Lovelace considered she was burnt out, that she had written her last piece of poetry, that she felt she had gone through the fire of personal exploration until 2023,...


Gareth St John Thomas

There is a wealth of information in this beautifully presented little book Cats & Us. Its hardback cover lends itself perfectly for the photographs and opposing page information. Everything a...