Dance Divas – Showtime!

Reviewed By  Tania Hawkins       November 20, 2013


Author  Sheryl Berk

ISBN:                 978-1-61963-181-6
Publisher:         Bloomsbury
Release Date:    





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Scarlett enjoys dancing at Miss Toni’s Dance Divas studio. Some of Miss Toni’s former students have managed great success in their careers, thanks to her passion for excellence.

The girls won the state title last year, and in this years competition they are up against the City Feet Dance Studio. City Feet is run by a former prima ballerina, Justine Chase.  The girls discover that Miss Toni and Justine have history between them, and not all of it good.  They decide to help by getting Miss Toni and Justine back together as friends. It doesn’t go to plan, but looks promising for the future.

Friendships, competitiveness, team spirit, integrity – these are all covered within this delightful story. Your own little dance diva will love this book, which is the first book of a new series.