Get Me Out of Here!

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       June 14, 2022


Author  Pauline Deeves, illustrated by Brent Wilson

Distributor:      Allen & Unwin Children's
ISBN:                 9781760526993
Publisher:         A&U Children's
Release Date:   May 2022  




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Foolish and Fearless Convict Escapes

With excellent illustrations and a striking cover, Get Me Out Of Here will capture attention before it is opened. It is a wonderful resource for children exploring Australian History, or for those interested in convicts and pirates. The humorous cartoons make it fun to look at for any age. The lay out of the book is also compelling for younger readers.

Small pieces of information are presented in an interesting way; for example, the first character we look at is Moondyne Joe. His story is told in the first person and illustrated. Following that is a short segment called “What happened to Joe?” Then we are introduced to some “Fun Facts,” some “Activities to try” and some of the language used at the time.

Altogether there are seven convicts or pirates, including Mary Bryant, whose stories are told. The pleasing aspect of these stories is learning the fate of each of the characters. William Buckley escaped from Port Phillip and lived among the local Aboriginal people for many years. This story has been reviewed by the Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation.

Other interesting features tell us “How do we know?” and “Learn the lingo.” There is also a segment which asks if an excerpt is a tall tale or true. The answers are given at the back.

Get Me Out Of Here is a vastly entertaining and educational book. Every effort has been made to hold a young person’s attention and inspire further reading. It would be a great resource for teachers or for actively curious children.