Invisible Jerry
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley November 23, 2018
Author Adam Wallace. Illustrations Giuseppe Poli

Distributor: EK Books/Exile Publishing
ISBN: 9781925335781
Publisher: Exile Publishing/EK Books
Release Date: November 2018
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There is always one child who seems to be the one on the outside looking in. Perhaps he is the quiet one, perhaps he is the little one, perhaps he has learned in his life that it is better to simply observe.
This is a story about Jerry, the boy no one ever seemed to notice, because whenever someone bumped into him, they never, ever said sorry. It was just like he was invisible. Whenever there were other children being selected for a team game, somehow no one ever seemed to notice he was there, kitted up and ready to go.
Jerry wanted to be a part of the action and hated being invisible, that was until Molly came along and things began to change. Suddenly there was someone to laugh with him, someone who talked with him and someone who made him feel like he was not invisible any more.
When Paul came along, he was also invisible; no one seemed to even notice he was there, that was until along came Jerry, who made Paul feel that he too was no longer invisible, which was just the beginning of another wonderful friendship.
Sensitively written and delightfully illustrated, this tale focuses on the many people, children and adults alike, who in today’s fast paced world, are the ones who are on the outside looking in to a world in which they wish to noticed, for all the right reasons.
A very salient point is made, that even in the hustle and bustle there will always be someone who will notice, who will hold out their hand in friendship and by doing so, make life so much better and happier, creating the opportunity for the many talents held by the one looking in, to be brought into the open.
Invisible Jerry will make the perfect book for teachers and parents alike who wish to encourage their quiet, shy children to be patient and eventually the right people will notice them and value them for who they truly are – they will, like in Jerry and Pauls cases, come to realise they too have much to offer.
A touching, delicately humorous look at shy kids, from the award-winning Adam Wallace, himself once one of the shy kids on the pages and Giuseppe Poli an illustrator who simply can’t resist delighting people with his inspired artwork.