Migration Incredible Animal Journeys

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       June 16, 2018


Author  Mike Unwin. Ilustrations Jenni Desmond

Distributor:      Bloomsbury Childrens Books
ISBN:                 9781408889916
Publisher:         Bloomsbury Childrens Books
Release Date:   June 2018  




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This is a reference book for students on how and why animals, fish and birds move from place to place. It is set out in a picture book format, making the information easy to access, and the illustrations reinforce the text with details. For ease of use, there is a contents page, and a map of the world at the end, showing all the migration patterns of creatures. Each animal or bird has a double page spread with a half a page of writing on one side and an opposite page with a full illustration covering both pages.

Whales, Penguins, Terns, Butterflies, Dragonflies, Crabs and Turtles are just some of the creatures which are described, and their migration journeys examined. The book begins with an explanation of migration and describes why the creatures must move, and how many travel extensive distances to survive.

The Emperor Penguin is the largest penguin in the world; we are shown and told how they travel in winter, leave the sea behind, and march one hundred kilometres inland to breed. Each finds its own place and the female then leaves one egg behind for the male to keep warm on his feet. The females return to the sea to go fishing. After four months, the female returns with fish.

Swallows are an English bird which could not survive the cold winter. Once the cold sets in they become restless, they build up strength, then fly 10,000 km to Africa. Turtles can swim up to 1,000 km to get to the Ascension Island, where they lay their eggs at night. The Osprey is a large bird of prey that flies from Scotland to the west coast of Africa, to breed in the warmth. Each of these species survives by migrating many hundred of kilometres. It is fascinating to see their journeys and how they survive and flourish.

The information in this book is delivered in small blocks of print, ideal for young students to skim and find the meaning and key words. It is ideal for research or for students with an interest in this area. There is a website given for follow up information.

Although this is a wonderful reference book, it would have been easier to use if the colours of the illustrations were lighter, and the text font larger. On one page, the small dark print is over a dark colour page and not easy to read. It is still an accessible information book for the young.