More Nightlights

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       November 26, 2014


Author  Anne Civardi: Joyce Dunbar: Kate Petty: Karen Wallace:

ISBN:                 978-1-907486-89-0
Publisher:         Watkins Publishing
Release Date:    





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Written as a collection of stories to be read to your children upon going to bed, More Nightlights has also been written to allow you to slowly teach the benefits of meditation to your children.

Each of the twenty stories which make up the book are introduced by lighting a lantern and slowly walking down the winding path. Each topic is different and each story ends on a positive note.

Proven to have incredibly beneficial results, storytelling and reading aloud to your children can be some of the many ways you are able to help them solve problems which may be bothering them, with a positive and gentle touch. Affirmation’s complete each story and help reinforce the message the story has couched within the pages.


Designed primarily for the 4-8 year old reader, older children will also find a considerable amount of knowledge with the pages, as will adults.

The book comes with a very comprehensive introduction as to how to best use the book and how to commence teaching your children the time old art of meditation.