My Dad is a Dragon

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       December 18, 2019


Author  Damon Young. Illustrations Peter Carnava,s

Distributor:      UQP
ISBN:                 978 0 7022 6049 0
Publisher:         UQP
Release Date:   August 2019  





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This slightly bonkers tale of Dads and why they are all different, but somehow the same, comes from the creative imagination of Damon Young and Peter Carnavas, but before a word is even read in My Dad Is A Dragon the inside covers are complete tales in their own right, as Dad, his dragon wings and a donkey who has his own ideas, set the scene for a very interesting time.

As the pages of this amazingly quirky picture book unfold, Dad is discovered doing many things. It is not the same Dad, but Dads from all walks of life, doing what they love to do, play with toy cars, collect old swords, or hoarding heaps of yummy chocolate gold coins to be discovered.

But whatever Dad does, he is a dragon of the very best kind, because Dad’s can have adventures, tuck you in when you are weary and its bedtime, and do all sorts of wonderful things with you, no matter who your Dad is or where you live. Dads are special, amazing and wonderful people, with very different ideas.

But what happens if perhaps your Dad really is a Dragon. Do you think he would be different or just the same?

My Dad Is A Dragon will make a perfect Christmas gift for every dad and also create some special time for Dad to do some one on one time, reading and explaining to his children why he really is a Dragon. Or is he?