One Shoe Two Shoes

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       September 24, 2018


Author  Caryl Hart. Illustrations Edward Underwood

Distributor:      Bloomsbury Childrens Books
ISBN:                 9781408873052
Publisher:         Bloomsbury Childrens Books
Release Date:   September 2018  


There are many aspects that go to make up a good Children’s Book. For early readers the pictures must be large and clear and bright (with small cameos). The language needs to show patterns such as a plural (one shoe two shoes) The language should also flow, there should be humour, and interesting side issues. This book has all of these features as well as others, such as maths, counting, and learning colours.

Another aspect of this story is the skilled way the artist has omitted things from the illustrations allowing the reader to ask questions such as “Who do you think is walking the dog? “How did a mouse get in the shoe?” and so on. The story itself is basic with minimum text, but the information is clearly visible, visually.

Each double page spread has four or five single pictures which add greatly to the text. “Who’s hiding in there?” shows a shoe with a tail curling up from the inside. Perfect for guessing who might be there, what colour it is and why it is there. The whole story revolves around shoes and mice and is a great example of an entertaining and informative picture book for early readers.