Shit Happens

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       June 14, 2018



Distributor:      Crown and Andrews/Goliath Games
Release Date:   2017/18  




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This latest release onto the Australian market from Crown and Andrews is definitely for the young or young at heart, more like the 18 to 25/30 age range, and best played with more than six players. The object of the game is to consider where a certain situation would rate on a Misery scale, should it happen to you.

A few bevies would not go amiss either, as it is definitely a party game with a lot of laughs and some interesting graphics on the cards.  As it has been created in America, by a panel of highly qualified professionals, some of whom wish to remain anonymous, the American scale of what is considered as Misery is somewhat different to the Australian scale or perhaps even British scale of Misery in relation to some of the subject matter to be rated.

Simple but effective instructions are easily translated and after the second round, the ease of the game becomes apparent, but holds the interest as it is entertaining to relate to where stepping on a Lego block fits on a scale of 1-100, when compared to loosing your left arm or dropping your phone in the toilet or worse. Is there anything worse!

After some discussion the friends who volunteered to trial this game, decided it was created from the Likelihood and Consequences scale of probabilities, with a very intriguing mind creating the graphics featured on the cards, which were considered hilarious in a good many of the 300 cards which make up the game.

Overall and after some discussion, the consensus was that it is a great way to spend a wet afternoon or evening or even a hot summer’s day with friends, but would have a short lifespan in terms of being around for years and years and years.

So if you want to know all about Shit Happening, and you are definitely over 18 years old, this game is for you.