The Don’t Panic Gang!

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       February 18, 2021


Author  Mark Sperring. Illustrations Sarah Warburton.

Distributor:      Bloomsbury Children's Books
ISBN:                 9781408893050
Publisher:         Bloomsbury Children's Books
Release Date:   February 2021  




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The Don’t Panic Gang are the most unlikely band of hero’s’ who live by the motto ‘We Are Right Here To Help’, but want to remain a secret, actually TOP SECRET, because they believe that is the best way to go about helping people with their small and large problems.

Now, one day just when they thought there was nothing much to do and they were settling in for a nice comfortable day at home, the phone rang with a somewhat urgent call for HELP, so they sprang into action, changed into their Don’t Panic costumes and set out, Zippity Quick to the rescue.

 Like all super hero’s they leapt from roof to roof, climbed down fire escapes and did other daring things, to finally arrive at the window where the screams for help were getting louder and louder.  A most horrible sight met their eyes and as there was not one more moment to lose, the Don’t Panic Gang did what they do best; set out rescue a damsel in distress in a hilariously crazy style of their own.

Mark Sperring and Sarah Warburton have created a team of unlikely hero’s in Sumo Cat, Ninja Bird and Kung-Fu Worm who are always ‘right here to help’, as they rush to the rescue across the fun filled, flamboyantly created pages of their very first adventure.

 It is to be hoped that they are soon back on the pages with another daring rescue, to capture the imagination of all small would be, wanna be, hero’s in disguise, as they set out to save the world!