Trouble on the Farm

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       November 27, 2018


Author  Chris Higgins. Illustrations Emily Mackenzie

Distributor:      Bloomsbury Childrens Books
ISBN:                 9781408868881
Publisher:         Bloomsbury Childrens Books
Release Date:   August 2018  




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As an easy reading story, this book is great example of a cleverly crafted plot and problems that can be overcome. Friendship is not always plain sailing and there are times when quiet children will be called upon to sort out issues. Such is the case with Bella, who with her family has just moved to the country. They live next door to a dairy farm and the boy who lives there; Tom, is in her class at school.

Tom’s parents have been over to meet Bella’s family and have invited the city girl to spend a day on the farm with them. She is very excited but just as she is leaving after breakfast, Magda, a new arrival from next door visits and invites herself to come along as well. The newcomer is a vivacious, impulsive, young lady who manages to turn things into total confusion. She is determined to drive the old tractor, with disastrous results.

The chain of events is told in a humorous and original way. Problem solving has to be often and comprehensive. The reader is involved in the story and the tale is fast paced. Along with solving the issues that occur from Magda’s enthusiasm, Bella has to work out just how to deal with such a forceful friend. There is a lot to think about.

For beginning readers, this book is well set out. There are double spaces between the text, a good size font, and plenty of illustrations. Together with the humour in the story, and the creative solutions that make everyone happy, you will finish the book with a smile.