How to Blitz Nits (and other Nasties) A witty yet practical guide to defeating the ten most common childhood ailments

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       January 31, 2018


Author  Written by: Iona Bower. editied: Justine Roberts (Mumsnet)

Distributor:      Bloomsbury
ISBN:                 9781408862155
Publisher:         Bloomsbury
Release Date:   January 2018  




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Mumsnet is an absolute powerhouse of information for Mum’s from Mothers of all countries, handing out tried and true information on just about everything you ever needed, thought or wanted to know about children, life and all the other bit and pieces in-between.

In this helpful and definably funny, intriguing and enjoyable, let alone problem solving, pocket guide to dealing with all the ‘nasties’ your child will at some a stage encounter on their journey through the years of 18 months to about 12 years old, you could not go any better.

Beginning with ‘NITS” those absolute horrors that somehow seem to attach themselves to your child’s long hair, or short hair for that matter, on a free journey into your life and home and are almost impossible to get rid of, short of  almost buying out the local pharmacy for the solution to extermination.

But there is hope and yes, sanity at the end of the road with some tried and true solutions that do work; from purchasing a good quality NIT Comb, which is essential and beginning with the simplest and often most effective remedy, loads and loads of hair conditioner, followed by a good strong glass of your favourite tipple. If that does not work, well then move to Plan 2, of what may be many more plans!

This chapter is followed by Threadworms, those appalling parasites which unfortunately, everyone will have some history with over their lifetime. There some seriously funny methods described by devotees of Mumsnet to establish that this is indeed the culprit and then how to go about dealing with this enemy of your sanity, once again.

Ringworm, warts, verruca’s, conjunctivitis and foreign objects come in for discussion with a myriad of solutions offered, some tried and true, others fantastical, some even from the days of folkloric, which surprising do work.

Poo is of course something that intrigues the young child, and the parent alike, and is the cause of much despair over the years, commencing with toilet training then moving on to what is referred to as the ‘poonami’, a subject which perhaps needs no more description

Dragons Under The Bed, while not vermin makes for an interesting conclusion, as these very mysterious creatures, somehow only seem to show up at bedtime! Surprised, well you shouldn’t be!

How To Blitz Nits and other nasties, if it does not provide the solution you are desperately seeking, will provide a laugh or two and remind you that you are not alone, there are literally thousands of other Mums out there just like you!  Hmmmm!