The setting is quintessentially Irish; beautiful, haunting and divine. What a location to choose to film a live concert and the perfect frame for the five soprano’s who make up the much enjoyed group Celtic Woman.
These ladies take the familiar well loved music of the “celts” and deliver it with a flair and panache that needs to be seen as well as heard to be thoroughly enjoyed. Often accused of modernizing, and thereby not doing justice to beloved and traditional songs, Celtic Woman have moved into a genre of their own, by creating a sound and rhythm which I believe, still does more than justice to the music.
The DVD is powerful, evocative and fun – as well as beautifully presented. The sound quality is terrific considering it is “live”. The flair and passion put into the presentation and delivery of each track allows the listener to feel they are there, on the lawn and part of the entire evening.
The purists may not consider the music truly “Celtic” but the lover of great traditional music will enjoy each and every track.