Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley February 13, 2021
Artist – Sherry Finzer

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Sensual sound drifts endlessly outward; a sound created then captured in elemental form by Sherry Finzer in Renewal, a limited release, is another compilation in her Naked Flute series. Renewal is a collection born of the desperation, despair and sense of hopelessness felt by many during the year of 2020, when the news was almost always dire. Renewal offers a sense of renewal, a sense of hope and sense that all things do pass and a new day dawning isn’t too far away.
Working with the unique reverberation of The Tank, her singular playing is transported into the ethereal, born of emotion straight from the heart, note after perfect note flowing gently into the circular confines to develop a sound unique to the moment, not to be repeated.
Her soft, gentle, almost tranquil playing is enhanced by an innate and deep sense of spirituality, which in in many ways appears to be far more prevalent in this series of flute pieces. Perhaps this is due to the immense stress of the year passed, or simply deep, soul-based music that is required in such unsettled times; music guided by angelic sources to heal, sooth and nurture.
Eleven pieces, none overly long, are a fusion of beauty and intelligence, a delight to enjoy, to relax into, to meditate with or simply enjoy as a singular moment is enjoyed.
As with all music deeply grounded in spirituality, Renewal with the hauntingly beautiful images conjured up by the flute, will offer what you seek, will form the concept in your mind of hope, renewal with brighter, happier times soon to be discovered.
Ethereal perfection has been encapsulated within Renewal which could more than very easily be considered as Finzer’s finest work to date, as captured in the magic there is simplicity, the essence of the soul, and when it is woven throughout the music, is something very rare.