Soundtrack to Life

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       November 28, 2013


Artist –    




Running Time


Rich, full bodied, all-encompassing, tuned in to engage the listener to the vibe and frequency for positive influences. Not bad for one lil’ ol’ CD, but that’s the truth.

Right from the vocal introduction reminiscent of War of the Worlds the music takes you off into another realm with The Gift. You, in spite of your better efforts find yourself mentally striding down a pathway into the future.

Followed by Apollo Skies, where you can almost feel yourself travelling through space and really looking forward to what is to come, the scene is set for some really influential music or rhythms.

Each piece, I do not want to lower the tone by saying track, because that’s not what has been melded, is carefully created to lead you into differing tempos and rhythms. Movement flows through the collection but just when you think you have got it sorted a change of atmosphere sets you off on another journey.

Add a touch of vocals, combine some propulsive percussion with flute and another complete change of directions, somewhat similar to life and how we live it on a daily basis, is born.

Beats change constantly, vocals are added when least expected, moods shift, but underlying all this the definitive emotion of moving through space and time remains.

This is one for relaxing into or like I have been doing , using it in the background as I have been working, to settle the mind and allow the music to take me where it will. Each time you listen it takes you to another place, another level, another time and you return refreshed and engergised to continue walking into your future.