Story of Ghosts
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley August 28, 2018
Artist – Fiona Joy

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In this unusual album, Story of Ghosts, the presence of those unseen and yet observed is ever present, brought into full view through the sensitive and elegant creation of the composer, pianist and singer Fiona Joy, known worldwide for her immense talent on the keyboard.
Song for Dunnie commences this latest and her third album, with a measured and yet happily cheerful feel, whereas Story of Angels changes the dynamic somewhat as Fiona Joy sensitively explores the story of those who are with us always, unseen, and yet felt, their spirit ever-present.
It is fitting, after dealing with Angels, that Contemplating requests a little time out to reflect, ponder on the immensity that is life, a hidden reminder tucked away to prompt one that contemplation is something always required on life’s journey.
As the tracks drift onwards the calibre of the music speaks for itself in that it is reflective, soulful, hesitant at times, as if Fiona Joy is asking for permission to pare back the layers to the gems that lie often not all that far below the surface, such as in the piece The White Light which is gentle, delicate and pure, but with an underlying power and strength; a beautiful piece.
Story of Ghosts once again returns to the basis for the album, that of looking back, looking forward, seeking and yet knowing that everywhere one looks, travels, and observes there are always the ghosting of those gone before, creating an intriguing and introspective piece that delights with its unique character.
Being out of control is a relative experience and one familiar to all, a state of which Fiona Joy has attempted to describe in the piece Story of Insanity, a dark and deliberate composition threaded with light and hope accompanied by the knowledge that all things do pass, even the darkest and most outrageous of times.
For those new to the works of Fiona Joy this is a wonderful, neo-classical style of music that offers much be enjoyed, with the final track Before the Light being a piece of significance, as it is a dreamy, contemplative piece with a deep, rich vibe that offers a meaningful conclusion to a beautiful, hauntingly provocative and reflective, contemporary piano album.