4 Play

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       February 5, 2014


Author  Mrs Turnbull

ISBN:                 978-0-9805959-9-4
Publisher:         Simon & Schuster
Release Date:    




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Released just in time for Valentine’s Day this “marshmallow porn” look at releasing the kitchen siren in you to titillate and tempt your lover, takes what Kitchen Goddess Nigella Lawson started in her kitchen one step further.

When taking the plunge into this very naughty but nice book, do commence at the beginning as you would for any great seduction, or come to that any seduction, of course they should all be good, as you need to prepare well for maximum benefit.

If you are at a bit of a loss to know where to start, don’t be, as the introduction gives insight into how 4Play, the recipe book, came to be created. Women and men will be able to relate to his little window into Mrs Turnbull’s life, described as Her Story and His Story.

That leads naturally into the various items which need to go into the pantry; such things as figs, honey, strawberries and champagne of course, with of all things chillies. There is also one page of foods that specifically belong in bed.

Ranging across the board from Finger Food to Cocktails there is something there to be able to create a lascivious feast to temp. If you don’t have a lover but enjoy something a little different in the culinary line, don’t hold back, create something wonderful for your own personal treat such as Ladies In Red, page 136, for easy reference,  as after all who can resist a truly delicious chocolate and cream treat.

Dotted here and there throughout the chapters, and heading up most of the recipes are some very apt little comments just to add that certain something the preparation of the dish, whether it be You, Me and Pasta or Caramel Kissed Pineapple there is something amongst the sheets, or should I say pages, for everyone.

Most recipes are quick and easy to prepare and with some a helping hand may not go astray!

As with all good seductions, breakfast draws to a close a night of pleasure and should be treated with the greatest respect, so to that end some very enjoyable breakfast treats are placed in the final chapters.

 If you are still a little unsure of how to play the game don’t despair, because as with all good plans and recipe books, Mrs Turnbull has included sections on all the other bits and pieces you may feel you need to know such as 4Play Games, very intriguing, Sexting Shorthand, perhaps useful to know, Safe Sexting, most important and even a 4Play list of recommended music to help set the scene.

As Mrs Turnbull so aptly puts it “its time to unleash your kitchen siren and let it wail”. Enjoy!