
Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       January 6, 2021


Author  Kerryn Goldsworthy

Distributor:      New South Books
ISBN:                 9781742232621
Publisher:         NewSouth
Release Date:   October 2020  




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Adelaide is a tremendously interesting little book. Whether you are from Adelaide, or a visitor to Adelaide, there is a great deal of information, written in a chatty style, to keep you interested and informed. For those who have lived here for a long time, it is motivation to go back and revisit many of the sites mentioned here and see them with fresh eyes.

The map at the beginning of the book shows the city grid and nearby suburbs. This becomes a reference point as Kerryn discusses the history of the monuments and Church depicted on the page. It also features in the discussion of the no nonsense pattern of the streets, likened to the attitude of the people. The painting of “The Proclamation of South Australia,” by Charles Hill, contains “Real, identifiable people.” The author analyses it detailing various characters and their stories. The truth behind the day is revealing.

Kerryn goes on to discuss features such as the Rotunda by the River Torrens, and various statues to which the reader will possibly want to go back and inspect with fresh eyes. On to more esoteric thoughts, the author mentions peaches, and what an important part of her childhood they were. Most Adelaideans will relate to this, having grown up with peach trees in every back yard, the smell permeating a long hot summer.

Politics and icons complete the tale of my city. The famous Frog Cakes and notorious pink shorts worn in Parliament House, are discussed, and elaborated. This is an interesting and delightfully fresh look for those who have become complacent or, for those visiting the city.