Fat Yoga
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley April 3, 2017
Author Sarah Harry

Distributor: New Holland Publishers
ISBN: 9781742579313
Publisher: New Holland Publishers
Release Date: March 2017
Website: http:/www.newhollandpublishers.com
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For many people who do not fit the modern stereotype of slim, trim, flexible and ‘fab’, exercising can be a considerable challenge, not just on a physical level but also emotionally. With Yoga, a very flexible, amendable form of exercise, you too can join the growing trend to exercising, hatha yoga style, under the guidance of Sarah Harry, a woman whom after many years of angst is now comfortable in her plus sized body.
In her words, ‘Fat Yoga’ has something for everyone, so regardless of what size or shape you are in, welcome to the gentle world of Fat Yoga, step by step.
One thing that does become apparent as you work your way through the philosophy that backs ‘Fat Yoga’ is that it is something that can be adapted to suit people with many heath issues, not just that of being a plus size. So many of the movements described for the fuller figure make them suitable for people with limited movement of flexibility, anxiety issues, stress or as with any form of Yoga, a simple desire to delve further into mindfulness and benefit from the relaxation techniques which make up an integral component of this form of exercise.
You do not need to fit the stereotype of fit, young and flexible to undertake this beneficial form of exercise and surprisingly, self-help. All you need is a desire to improve your health, fitness and self –esteem.
Sarah addresses many of the issues beginners of Yoga are concerned with such as feeling dizzy, especially when in some of the more vertically challenging positions such as Downward Facing Dog or the Warrior, or issues with various body parts such as the knees, shoulders and back.
She also presents an excellent guide for dealing with Boobs and Bellies that persist in getting in the way, breathing and doing many of the routines with your eyes open or closed.
An excellent chapter, and one well worth re-reading if you are seriously interested in taking up ‘Fat Yoga’, is Getting Started where points such as food and drink, setting aside time as a part of your everyday routine, breathing and setting down your intentions, your vows and desires before you begin are well presented.
Why ‘Fat Yoga’ you may ask, but why not: as with all things there first has to be a need and then there has to be a solution – that is why Sarah has written this book and why she has started the movement, equipping not just herself with the tools to make a difference in her life, but offering them to those who feel daunted by their figure shape, are tired of being sidelined or stereotyped and have a desire to make a difference in their lives.