Good Night Irene

Reviewed By  Nan van Dissel       December 21, 2020


Author  Michael Schiavello

Distributor:      Bad Apple Press
ISBN:                 Michael Schiavello
Publisher:         Bad Apple Press
Release Date:   October 2020  




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Having a dream and making that dream a desire requires blood, sweat and tears, if others perceive you to have a weight problem; to overcome bullies, tormentors and to rise above the pack takes courage.  From the humble beginnings, at the age of sixteen years calling a track and field event in Melbourne, the author Michael Schiavello is now one of the most recognisable and beloved broadcasters in martial arts. The picked on fat kid, who used his voice to break free, now uses it to transport viewers to the corners of the world to listen to his MMA fights, kickboxing, and Muay Thai laced with his quick witted commentaries.

Growing up as an overweight son of immigrants, the author was plagued by bullies. Despite, assertions that he’d amount to nothing, he achieved credible final year results, though not enough to study architecture at the University of his choice. Disillusioned, his mother urged him to use his asset, a good voice; half-heartedly he undertook a stint of work experience at Triple M in 1990; his career was on its way!

On the weekend, while his mates were out at parties with their girlfriends, his time was spent covering sports’ matches, filing reports and chasing down celebrity interviews. His interviews included comedian Billy Birmingham, Indian Test Captain Mahammad Azharuddin, Cathy Freeman, gun-toting Steven Seagal, Diego Maradona, and Hulk Hogan to name but a few. Most of these interviews did not come easily; they came as the result of commitment, dedication and investment of time with the off chance of getting a meeting with a celebrity.

‘Good Night Irene’ named after Michael Shiavello’s catch cry, gives reader’s an insight into aspects of his life, the behind the scenes workings of his ‘The Voice versus…’ interviews and his struggles with abuse, self-doubt and mental health.  Although readers of all ages will find this an interesting, inspiring read, Schiavello hopes it will appeal to teenagers through to those thirty year olds who are feeling directionless in life.