Heartskin Stories

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       December 3, 2013


Author  JM Levar

ISBN:                 978-1-4525-0314-1
Publisher:         Balboa Press
Release Date:    




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Every vignette which makes up the collection called Heartskin Stories is unique. It is unique in this instance because not only is it the story of a person met and spoken with, it is also the inner story, the real story or the other side of the story being told.

Who are these people met along the way of life, people put in the pathway of your existence just when you need them? Are they  ordinary people with a story to tell of love, hope and healing or very special people destined to be there for you in that moment?

These are womens stories with the inherent beauty that the message entwined in each one is relative to all.

It is about seeing behind the obvious to the not so obvious to the truth and often much more. The stories about being able to believe, about rebirth, about conquering huge odds, about learning to accept life and whatever it has to offer, good bad or otherwise and mostly it is about love, one for another all offer understanding and comfort.

Over a period of thirty years or more Jadranka Millica has shared tales and heard stories from many women she has met on her travels. It was not until recently she decided to create a book of these incredible stories to help inspire, heal and restore the faith of all who read them.

Accompanied by her delicate illustrations each story will come to hold a special place in your heart. Every person will find a special message in each story that touches their hearts , answers a question or offers reassurance that Yes, maybe fairies are real and life can change!

Each of these tales was offered to Jadranka when she was most in need of comfort, a way forward or was unsure of her pathway in life. As she was writing them down and the stories unfolded once again, she discovered a great sense of healing, forgiveness and release overwhelming her.

It is this gift she is sharing with each of us who dip into this beautiful collection of tales from far and wide; each with a lesson on life well learned and each containing a sense of purpose and offering to all.