Is He Here yet
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley February 16, 2023
Author Dr Tony Ortega

Distributor: Amazon
ISBN: 978-0692963371
Publisher: Self-Published
Release Date: November 2021
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Is He Here Yet from clinical psychologist Dr Tony Ortega is a fascinating study in fact, fiction, self-indulgence, healing and spiritualism, that somehow makes sense in the modern world of today, along with the many challenges that come with poor self-esteem, low self-confidence and finding the right partner as an older person.
Ortega is a Gay man who has struggled with relationships so much so, that he realised he needed help to be able to once again go out into society and have a balanced relationship with other Gay men, after the breakup of his what was then, his recent long lasting relationship of 69 days.
He had to face reality; there must be something wrong with him; Why was he so desperately needy and what could he do to understand how to move on and develop a good, long lasting relationship. Even though he was a trained and practicing psychologist, he could not help himself.
This is an interesting side bar to the story as he uses case studies to illustrate the chapters from time to time and in these he is working with the same issues in his clients as he is aware of on a personal level!
He uses his personal story of his relationship with Fernando and offsets the lessons he learned from that relationship to heal and further understand his emotional journey, to discovering who he really was and that is was perfectly all right to be who he was: single and loving it.
Although written for the Gay man the underlying theme of self-destructive patterns is one to which most people can relate. How he has gone about healing, becoming a life coach and discovering a way through life’s tricky relationship situations, is also something to which everyone can relate.
After trying many, many destructive pathways he finally came across ‘A Course in Miracles” a unique self-study program designed to gain awareness and healing through spirituality and the understanding of a high power, or God.
Each chapter has Miracle Moments which are informative along with a Makeover Moments in which questions are posed for the reader to answer. There are also a number of affirmations to use, which Ortega has found make a difference to understanding why “Making your relationships the higher power’ in your life is or can be so destructive.
The Appendix is also of great assistance as it sets out some practical steps to take in your self-care routine, all of which should be used by everyone to promote a sense of wellbeing and relaxation.
Well worth reading if you are struggling with relationship issues, self-doubt or suffer from lack of self-care, Is He Here Yet could also be considered as a dating manual of do’s and don’ts for the modern world.