Now Where Was I?
Reviewed By Grasshopper2 July 30, 2018
Author Glenn Shorrock

Distributor: New Holland Publishers
ISBN: 9781921024733
Publisher: New Holland Publishers
Release Date: June 2018
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There was a great deal of misgiving by the author before he decided to complete his autobiography. Could he make the transition from writing lyrics for a song to writing his life story? To do this well, it is necessary for the author to have logical thought, an intelligent and honest understanding, a sense of humour and above all, an interesting story. Well, Glenn has all that and more. From the beginning, his story and recollections are so interesting that you forget the fame behind the man and become engrossed in his tale.
Glenn’s early years were happily spent roaming the moors in Yorkshire. When he was ten years old, his father decided they would migrate to Australia. His family, Mum, Dad and baby sister, all happily boarded the ship and became known as Ten Pound Poms. The sights and sounds Glen talks about as they sailed from England to Australia, are interesting and again tinged with humour that is delightful.
On arrival in Australia, the Shorrock family and others were told that too many people were getting off in Melbourne and more families needed to disembark in Adelaide. They happily obliged and now we proudly call Glenn an Adelaide prodigy. From the early days, Glenn enjoyed schooling and succeeded in studies. The sharp mind and keen intellect he has, helped him along the way. A friend asked him to join their band, as the lead singer had left. This was the beginning of an illustrious and famous career.
This was a career that was not without problems, and at the beginning of the book, Glenn explains how the Little River Band, which he named and formed, was never officially broken up. It was taken over by the “Last man standing Stephen Housden.” This gave rise to many problems and like all musicians who are overwhelmed by public response and fame, legal issues arose.
Before this, though, the band had gained notoriety in Adelaide and decided to test the waters in Melbourne. This was a great success and led to moves overseas. From here, Glenn meticulously documented his movements and thoughts as he progressed through stages and bands. From London, the LRB moved to US and began playing to huge crowds and given standing ovations, his marriage to Melbourne girl, Jo, to the politics and policies of the band, Glenn describes it all. Quite a few chapters are dedicated to the Little River Band and the progress they made over the years.
Glenn, looking for some peace and relief from hedonism, was introduced to Transcendental Meditation “By way of the Beatles.” He has practised this for many years now. Glenn and Jo eventually bought a house in Sydney where he continued singing, often in Melbourne, and working with other Australian artists.
At the back of the book is an extensive list of the songs and melodies that he has written which is quite overwhelming. What a talent! What a singer! What a story!