Orbs and Beyond

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       August 6, 2015


Author  Katie Hall & John Pickering

ISBN:                 978-1-78099-382-9
Publisher:         O-Books
Release Date:    

Website:    http://www.o-books.com 

In this second book dealing with the subject of Orbs and Beyond there is once again a range of subject matter which, while both fascinating and informative leads you to wondering just where the trail is heading. There is no obvious explanation provided only the sincere belief that these Orbs are simply that, Orbs or formations of light and shape which in the right place and under the right conditions can be photographed.

That the illustrations are in black and white does make it a little difficult to understand the visual nature of the shots but none the less, makes it very difficult to be distracted by colour. In many ways, while monochromatic, it perhaps better illustrates that there is much we still have little or no understand about.

The conclusion drawn from many years of witnessing these phenomena is that the Orbs are simply an indicator of a wider horizon, a wider scope, and are not just the province of ‘things that are mysterious.’

That they have been appearing in various formations, predominantly circular, over many years at the bottom of the garden in what is termed the “fairy dell’ or the woods, is significant.

What appear to be an Angel or Angels(luminosities)have chosen to appear at intermittent times, as the images portray, is also significant as, one of the fundamental beliefs is that Angels are real, that they are there with you from birth to death. Even if you consider this school of thought as nonsense, it is hard to discredit proof such as this that they really are as said, real!

Both John and Katie have backed up their photographic proof with many hours of serious research into the paranormal to try to better understand why and what is being offered over and over again.

Is it that there is far more out there than we realise; there is more to this earth than ever considered and that we in our small microcosm need to broaden our horizons and learn to accept that which cannot always be explained.

They have come to a semi conclusion that this phenomena of Orbs is not new; that it was around centuries ago and was an accepted component of life and that we too, like Alice when she went through the looking glass, simply can’t explain it all. To do so, means that we, as the human race need to start to think outside the box, to better be able to understand the real way forward.

There will be a third book  ‘Beyond Reality’ that will be published at a later date which may encourage us towards considering many of the answers or to  discovering them for one’s self in relation to the phenomena of Orbs and Luminosities.