
Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       August 27, 2016


Author  Daniela I. Norris

Distributor:      Roundfire Books
ISBN:                 978-1-78535-197-6
Publisher:         Roundfire Books
Release Date:   January 2016 (UK)  




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So many times in our lives, we meet someone and feel a spark of recognition. Sometimes it is a place that instantly touches us and is so familiar that we know it is special. The Author has written a story that delves into those special feelings that many of us recognize, and comes up with some interesting theories as to how that sense of belonging has originated. She has suffered a loss of her younger brother, and began questioning the spiritual world. Cleverly she has woven four lives into this seamless tale.

 The story involves a young woman, named Amelia, whose husband has decided to leave a fairly unhappy marriage for a break.  They have two teenage children who live with their Mum, but visit Dad and friend, most weekends. For Tom and Jen, the new younger woman, named Claudette, is just an add on to their father’s life. Amelia is feeling very stressed, and coping with a fairly high pressured job, her two teenagers, and a broken marriage, is just too much.

 A friend suggests she sees a hypnotherapist to learn how to relax. Reluctantly and from desperation, Amelia visits the woman who is recommended. She is instantly transported into a much earlier time and observes a young woman by the name of Adele, learning some of her story. On leaving the practitioner’s office, Amelia feels much lighter and can recognize an outside world. She is intrigued by the unfolding story of the young Adele, and the school teacher who saved her from being lost.

 This story of Adele and the school teacher develops through dreams and further hypnotherapy sessions, but we don’t see a connection between Amelia and Adele. Back in the present time, Amelia meets an old school classmate. He was never close to Amelia, always an outsider, but now as a mature man he tells Amelia his story. He has always been a bit of a loner but has chosen fencing as a sport that he can be involved in and be passionate about.

 The next hypnotherapy session is so interesting, but not to do with Adele at all. It involves a tribal elder who wants to protect his tribe and lands. Again it seems there is no immediate connection, but the threat by an invading group leaves us in no doubt that his life is on the line.

 As the story unravels further, the author credibly links the lives of those in the past to those in the future. There is nothing forced or unbelievable about the outcomes, and I was delighted to read that “Recognition” is the first book in a trilogy. The author has a sensitive and understated way of making connections between people and places, all of which have a realistic feeling. The characters are well rounded. have depth and exploring their journey is a delight. Her delicate handling of the spiritual essence in this story is enjoyable, and it is to be hoped that the next two books reach the same high standard of writing.