Stylish Remakes

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       July 14, 2015


Author  Violette Room

ISBN:                 9784805313657
Publisher:         Tuttle Publishing
Release Date:    




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Sweeping the fashion scene in Japan of late is the fantastically easy to create Upcycle collection of clothing made from a heap of imagination and a lot of Op Shop or old clothes in your closet. What’s more, the cost of keeping up with the latest fashion trend is minimal.

In this case the designs in the book  are from leading Japanese clothing company Violette Room and show you how to give a new look, a new attitude, to the garments you have had in the cupboard for years or your grandmother has had stashed away in the back room or trunk.

The outfits are fun, relaxed, can be worn almost anywhere and you can create that tote or purse that is unique to you, or matches your quirky new outfit perfectly, simply with a little bit of know-how and a lot of flair.

A simple everyday sweat shirt can be turned into a trendy tunic, an old flannel shirt you bought for that event and no longer wear can be turned into a dress that is completely unique, with simply a tiny little bit of effort.

For those on serious clothing budget, or those who haunt the world of recycled clothing this is funky, fun, creative and an inexpensive way to always be a leader in fashion with pizazz.

The front section of the book shows what can be achieved with a few standard wardrobe items and then sets out all the steps needed to be able to undertake that transformation, in the second section of the book titled Let’s Upcycle.

The explanations are easy to understand and each garment pictured has detailed instructions on its transformation from unworn garment to fashionable item.

Simple, easy to understand directions make this great for the novice, as well as the more experienced recycler and introduces you to a wonderful new world of cost effective dressing and creativity.