The Anxiety Coach

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       March 20, 2023


Author  Michael Hawton

Distributor:      Exisle Publishing
ISBN:                 978-1922539588
Publisher:         Exisle Publishing
Release Date:   March 2023  




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More children are experiencing anxiety these days, and author, Michael Hawton, in The Anxiety Coach has set out to teach techniques for parents to use to help their child deal with pressure. The strategies discussed will maximize a child’s resilience and minimise the anxiety that they may feel.

The features that make this book of value include, Case studies, Worksheets, Advice on managing the digital world, and Suggestions for parents to deal with their personal ideals.  We learn that all children become anxious as they start to make sense of their world. As adults it is up to us to help to construct their environment and provide support when it is needed.

Sleep is essential for a healthy mind and parents need to set up strict rules to ensure their child is getting enough sleep for their mind to function clearly. Here the author sets out a chart of the times we need to sleep, beginning with a toddler up to an adult. Scientists have determined that with Insufficient sleep the brain reverts to more primitive patterns of activity.

Access to the internet is another topic which causes great debate between parents and children. Hawton has written extensively about this. He has outlined the dangers and difficulties associated with excessive use of the internet and explains why this has an effect on children. He also gives clear strategies and suggestions as to what to buy for your child, how to monitor their use and why you should have a contract with your child and their smart phone.

The Anxiety Coach is a first rate guide for parents and the understanding it engenders needs to be available as your child grows. Certainly the structures put in place need to begin from a very early age.