The Spiritual Significance of Music

Reviewed By  Staff Writer       November 26, 2014


Author  Justin St. Vincent

ISBN:                 978-0-473-15690-9
Publisher:         Xtreme Music
Release Date:    





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Intimate and interesting this collection of interviews embraces the diversity which is music and offers rare insights into the makers of today’s music.

Musicians and music makers of all genres of music from One Giant Leaps’ Jamie Catto to Mike Zachary author of Song in Your Heart have been interviewed on their thoughts, beliefs and emotions, their style, what it means to them and the impact and effect music can have on the lives of people.

Perhaps one of the most poignant quotes in the book of many poignant quotes is the one from Aeoliah, who uses the power of music in self-healing from self-abuse when he says” the most evolved music on the planet that will continue to heal and inspire is one that raises and magnetises our consciousness and awareness into a more heightened and expanded state, acting as a tuning fork to higher dimensions” which kind of sums up music of all genres very nicely!