Upon Your Canvas

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       July 25, 2015


Author  Paul Goldman.Ill: Natosha Keefer

ISBN:                 978-1-935914-50-1
Publisher:         River Sanctuary Publishing
Release Date:    




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‘To leap spellbound into our life as if there was no……as if…..at all’, is a captivating beginning to the piece entitled ‘Spellbound Leap’ and an exquisite example of the power simple words can have, when they are gathered together by the hands of a master in Paul Goldman.

His beautiful poetry reaches out in a gentle and non-invasive medium to bring pleasure and joy in the written word

The marvel is that such simple reflective words can be so powerful, contain such power and deliver such peace and reflection.

Based on the premise that each life is simply a blank canvas upon which you draw your own patterns, choose you own colours, and dream your own dreams he has combined this anthology to be representative of the manner in which we choose to paint our personal picture.

As you open the first section the intricate work of Natosha Keefer introduces the piece titled ‘Upon Your Canvas’ which gently entices you towards turning the page to the next bite sized reflection and then to continue onwards. Her work is strategically placed throughout, adding that additional component to encourage reflection.

The tempo does change slightly as you dip further into the pages as each section is specific unto the development of the canvas on which you paint. ‘At First Brush’ leads to the nuances of ‘Light and Shadow’ and then to the final reveal in ‘Canvas Revelation’, the work in progress coming into shape and form.

As with all works of poetry it is best to leave the book somewhere handy then, when you have a moment or need a little inspiration to get you through the day, pick it up and open the pages at random; you will find exactly what you need at that moment.

With Goldman’s works the pieces are such that they can be used in the moment, contemplated at will or simply just enjoyed..

However you choose to enjoy this poetry, after dipping in and out of ‘Upon Your Canvas’ you will find your spirit is lighter and your heart at ease.