In the fourth book of the Cyrus Haven and Evie Cormac series, Storm Child, author Michael Robotham graphically tackles the very current world issue of human trafficking and asylum seeking. While forensic psychologist Cyrus and his ward Evie, a young woman with a very...
Emergent is a refreshing perspective on the world we live in and the on-going consequences of human civilization. Miriam McDonald walks back through the many civilizations that have inhabited this planet, the effect they have had on natural vegetation and wildlife and...
Writer of two successful novels, Tiffany McDaniel’s has dedicated her third book ‘On the Savage Side’ to the six violently murdered women who disappeared in the area around Chillicothe in 2014-15. Like some of the victims of this crime, the six central...
Peggy Frew writes with such detail and structure that Wildflowers almost becomes a breath holding read. If anyone was not completely aware of the destruction to family life caused by drug addiction, they need to read this book. A “normal” family is slowly destroyed by...
Wild Abandon is a novel of modern times reflecting on the damage of the past, and is certainly not one for the faint hearted. Almost mesmeric in style, the fascination with the torturous plot becomes almost addictive as we join with Will as he arrives in New York,...
Summer love, precious, all-encompassing and often, come the end of summer, devastating. That’s what a happened one summer family holiday at the beach over the long, warm, endless days of a perfect summer, when Kit Godden and his brother Hugo came to holiday at the...
Max Barry is an Australian author following up his smash hit, 2013 novel, Lexicon. Providence, his new release, takes a few left turns from what he has written before, and tells a story that will be familiar to those who are fond of Space Operas. Providence brings a...
If you are a fan of John Kinsella’s you will love this convoluted and yet somehow addictive tale of Hollow Earth, written as a protest to the destruction caused as we, the so called learned, high IQ race of peoples, go about destroying what was once a far more...