Champagne at Seven! (Bitches of Fifth Avenue)

Champagne at Seven is a snappy, well written, serious tilt at the often unseen, but generally understood side of wealth that is all too real, all too dangerous and all too easy to shatter into a million pieces, by simply failing to follow the invisible rules that...

Three Birds Renovations: Dream Home How-To

Bonnie Hindmarsh, Erin Cayless and Lana Taylor have been best friends for nearly twenty years. They began the “Three Birds Renovation” brand and began sharing their knowledge of design and home renovations in various ways. Their online courses, The Reno School, and...

Little Book of Yves Saint Laurent

Compact yet comprehensive, the Little Book of Yves Saint Laurent is the perfect gift for anyone who has an interest in fashion and fashion history. Emma Baxter-Wright has traced with care the journey of a young child who was the oldest of three, growing up in a world...

Kimono: Kyoto to Catwalk

Early in 2020 the Victoria & Albert Museum in London opened the sartorially elegant exhibition Kimono: Kyoto to Catwalk, timed to coincide with the Olympic Games to be held in Tokyo later in the year, but due to the global pandemic COVID-19, this has had to be...

What Will Be Worn: A McWhirters story

Tracing the family history comes with its own sense of intrigue and at times likens the journeyman to a novice sleuth, seeking out the secrets of past lives. Melissa Fagan, a member of the McWhirter family, decided she would take a journey into her families past. Her...

Girl on Pointe Chloe’s Guide to Taking on the World

This colourful book shows the journey of young dancer, Chloe Lukasaik. Her life story is written with many photos and endorsements from friends. She is honest about her feelings and her passions, and shares many selfies and kiss selfies, and ideas for making a success...


What happens when you decided you have a talent for art, your teacher tells you, you really don’t have all that much talent as a painter and try taking up photography: you become famous, that’s what! Such was the story of Robert Rosen’s journey into becoming one of...

Slow Fashion: Aesthetics Meets Ethics

Much has being written about ethical fashion over recent years, especially since the collapse of Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh in 2013 killing or maiming more than 1,100 factory workers. The outrage was worldwide that these people, who were lowly paid, suffered...

Grace & Style

Jewellery, how we look, the latest fashion for clothing and make-up form a very important part of growing up and learning how to fit into whatever lifestyle you choose. With a wry, witty, zany sense of humour and a whole lot of tongue-in-cheek attitude, Grace Helberg...

Love x Style x Life

This is a book about STYLE; that illusive thing that we all strive to achieve and yet can be so fleeting or simply on the never, never going to get there plan. But with well-known fashionista and blogger Garance Dore letting out her secret to success, and yes, STYLE,...