Avoiding Apocalypse

“Jeff has spent the past 45 years as a research physicist helping to develop the science that has made technically possible a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), one linchpin of the Cold War stand-down discussed in his new book, Avoiding Apocalypse” When a man of...

Cellnight: A verse novel

John Kinsella via Cellnight, A Verse Book returns to the tumultuous past of Fremantle in Western Australia, at the time of the protest rallies against American nuclear warships coming into the Port town. Kinsella jarringly opens the pages with the arrest and bashing...

When We Are Invisible

We are well and truly into 2021 and considering the crappy year that was 2020 you would be forgiven if you thought my book review will be about something nice and happy. But alas it is not. Instead we have When We are Invisible, a post apocalypse drama set in our own...

Marie Curie and Her Daughters

The story of Marie Curie and her husband Pierre is one that is widely known in the world of Science for their amazing discoveries in the field of Physics and Chemistry. She was the first woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 with husband Pierre. She...