Rebecca Raisin has created another thoroughly enjoyable, gentle romance set in Paris in The Paris Bookshop for the Broken hearted as Coco, a woman who plans her life with almost military precision, finds her world imploding in the worst possible way. Returning home to...
Classified as a young adult novel, everything about this book calls out to be read. From the busy cover to the catchy title……..Really….in France…..Nothing happened? This is a charming, delightful story that will keep you reading to the end. Callum is seventeen and has...
Its 1 November: Anais and her cousin Manon are standing on the pavement looking at all she has left from what she considered a terrific marriage, when the sign from the dilapidated L’Hotel du Parc, almost hits her on its trajectory to a crashing finale at her feet....
A Love Letter to Paris is a truly romantic, in the old fashioned sense of the word, love story that warms the heart, as Lilou goes about creating the perfect match for her friend Emilienne, who is always getting her heart broken into a million pieces. Of British...
Despite large numbers of volunteer Special Operational Executive (SOE) agents having been dropped into occupied territory and thus having a huge impact on the outcome of World War II; until recent years there was very little acknowledgement of their valuable...
Inspired by the remarkable heroic achievements and bravery of women involved in World War II espionage, Sarah Steele’s enthralling third book “The Lost Song of Paris” is not only a tribute to them but also an absorbing story of love, courage and unsung service to...
Powerful, captivating and immensely enjoyable The Forgotten Bookshop in Paris captures the devastation of the war years in Paris, the destruction caused by the German occupation, the tireless and dangerous work of the underground to not just smuggle military personnel...
Occupied Paris in the autumn of 1944 is a city overwhelmed by a sense of tension; one of the most beautiful cities in the world is just a ghost of its former self. Parisians live in fear of being arrested or deported by their Nazi captors. It is a terrifying time; a...
Small Acts of Defiance from Michelle Wright is without a doubt a brilliant piece of historical fiction that has been meticulously researched, which shows through in the storytelling as the nightmare of occupied Paris during the Second World War is set out as if it was...
When Ruth Druart arrived in Paris in 1993, she was surprised by the number of plaques and monuments displayed for those who died during World War 2. Indeed, any tourist who spends time wandering the streets of Paris will come across these, with special areas showing...
In her acknowledgements, Kate O’Donnell sums up This One Is Ours by saying,” Lets ’make noise, make art, and make change.” She has written a truly inspirational story in a style that reflects a sixteen-year-old girl and her moment in time. The style of writing is...
Devoted to love in all its many forms, this latest release from David Wahler, Two Hearts is a difficult one to place in any one framework as it is simply without boundaries, superbly capturing the very essence of love in all its many transmogrifications. The beauty of...