The Possibly True Adventures of Fanny Campbell Set in pre-revolutionary Rhodes Island, Fanny Campbell has been bought up by her father to be an independent young woman. She can shoot, fish, sail and use a broadsword with gusto. Her father a proud Scot, and previous...

All the Stars and Teeth

Magic and its wondrous powers are the drivers in this Fantasy fiction All the Stars and Teeth from Adalyn Grace, a storyline beloved of fantasy fans that leaves the imagination to the luxury of dressing the themes and surrounds as the reader chooses. While the...

Princess Swashbuckle

Princess Swashbuckle is a tale or two set on the high seas, all about a frog Princess who so, so, very, very much wanted a life on the ocean waves. But and there is always a but in all good stories about high seas and swashbucklers’ and the like, her Mum and Dad are...