Marsupial Outlaws and Other Rebels of Australia’s War in Vietnam Graphic novels are a fascinating way of getting a story across to a wide range of readers, as the ‘comic book’ style stretches across generations, the skill of the author paramount in both word and...
A story about refugees who escaped Vietnam by boat after the war, is always going to contain some confronting scenes, Butterfly Yellow is no exception. The main character, Hang has suffered “Extreme Trauma” according to her files. As a teenager her experiences will...
The Vietnam War seems so long ago but the long term effects of this war have, like many before, leaves a lasting legacy. Vietnam was a war that almost fifty years on is still a platform for conflict, regret, damaged lives and rebirth. Hue was a major battle that...
Emily Brewin has captured the past with elegance and a rare understanding, when to be an unwed mother was to become a pariah of society, shunned by all. She has also captured the vibrancy of the protest movement, the changing of the culture of Australia during the...
War is never, ever a good thing; the tragedy and destruction created in so many ways leaves an eternally lasting imprint on the fabric of society. Nothing that is said, written or discussed can ever remove the traces recoded, in what eventually becomes history, to be...