Peanuts for the Soul
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley December 21, 2017
Author Charles M. Schultz

Distributor: Allen and Unwin
ISBN: 9781786890696
Publisher: A&U Canongate
Release Date: December 2017
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Charlie Brown and his unshakable logic is back again to help start the New Year and sooth the Christmas beast, with he and his great friends answers for everything that may trouble the soul, or the psyche.
It is hard to believe that some 50 years on Peanuts is still a firm favourite with the older generation, as well as the of the younger who have followed on to enjoy the sometimes often whacky logic. Created as a comic strip, Peanuts reached out to everyone with its simple home-grown logic, canny characters and often basically brutal solutions.
In this annual offering, once again the basic tenants of life are addressed over seven chapters, beginning with Life, Love, Family, Friendship, Back to School (something that inevitably has to happen when you are having fun), At Play and finally Happiness.
In Family, Sally comes to a final conclusion on a Maths problem, stating categorically that she has the correct answer as, and ‘her brother told her!’ – It kind of says it all! And then there is the issue of playing a game of dice and the possibility of maybe becoming a ‘compulsive gambler’.
Falling in love is also dealt with when the girl of his dreams will not even speak to him, and Charlie Brown is left wondering why falling in love does not make him happy, when he thought it should!
Somehow, as you wander through the pages your day becomes a little brighter, and regardless of how you are feeling, Charlie Brown almost has the last word, except that Snoopy eventually does, when he and Linus are having one of their deep and meaningful conversations, where Linus asks Charlie Brown if he is afraid to be happy. Charlie Brown’s answer is to ask, ‘what are the side effects’!
Even while it brings a slightly ironic smile to your face, it also makes you wonder at the true meaning of life. Monty Python could not work it out, but perhaps Charlie Brown and his friends have!
Grab a copy and be kind to yourself, take to heart some of the advice offered, and enjoy Peanuts for the Soul.