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World Peace

Ten beautiful, rich and diverse tracks make up World Peace, essentially a love poem or portrait of many colours blended into a song, asking for peace and sanity to return to a world so badly in need of healing and love.

Always in my heart commences the journey with a strong and vibrant guitar introduction from Lisul, with Bob Westlake on rhythm guitars, which makes a statement and establishes the basis for a what is another stand out collection of work.

World Peace floats gently into being on the soft notes of the keyboard before the guitars move in, taking on the lead voice in what is a prayer to mankind; a plea added to the thousands gone before to bring light and happiness back into the world of today.

A delicate, intimate and tranquil interlude comes into being with the divine Japanese heart, a standout song in what has to this point been a vibrant, emotional journey. A personal favourite.

Flowing water leads in the mellow and peaceful Water of Life, short, dainty and peaceful, there is a certain charm to this song that takes one into a place of gently flowing streams, woodlands surrounding creating a deep sense of peace and security; healing and balm to the soul.

Who can resist a Day at the beach, another soft gentle piece which fits perfectly into the desire for a gentler world, cares left behind, just enjoying the time and moment to be found on the sands of the beach, the endless ocean washing gently at one feet. Timeless.

Daybreak brings this reflective collection to a completion with the gentle notes of the guitar softly touching the heart with a desire to offer solace to a hurting world and a genuine hope that before too much time has passed, a far gentler time will be restored to our sad and weeping world.

World Peace presents Serbian composer and guitarist Igor Lisul at his best.

Distributor Bandcamp/Spotify
Released September 2023
Running Time 32miin 17secs
Artists Igor LIsul