A Guinea Pig Oliver Twist

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       October 28, 2016


Author  Alex Goodwin, Charles Dickens, Tess Newall

Distributor:      Bloomsbury Publishing
Publisher:         Bloomsbury
Release Date:   October 2016  

Website:    http://www.bloomsbury.com 

Charles Dickens’s story of Oliver Twist has been retold in a unique and interesting way in this small hard back picture book which depicts in photograph, each of the characters as guinea pigs. Each page shows them in suitable settings, and appropriately clothed for their role. Each guinea pig is different, and each is wearing a hat and garment.

 The layout of the book shows a page of text followed by a photograph on the opposite page. At the bottom of the photograph is a rectangular text box, which contains one or two sentences that elaborate on the photograph. Below a photo of a guinea pig, is written, “Among his intimate friends, he was better known by the sobriquet of “The Artful Dodger.”

 The story roughly follows the original, although it only contains the basic storyline. This would have a great appeal for many children, together with the photographs, which are quite charming. Younger children would enjoy the photos of the guinea pigs, but would need some background information to help them with the story. Some of the language is quite complex and would need explanation. This would be a delight for children who love to play with words.

 Each chapter is followed by a double page of meandering footprints, one set going to London, and one set going to the countryside. Visually, the book is a work of art. The whole concept seems to be to draw children into the book by looking at the guinea pigs, and let the story and language wash over them.