Alison Lester and Coral Tulloch

Antarctica is a continent that remains shrouded in mystery for most people. We seem to read and hear snippets of information about its icy terrain. Alison Lester and Coral Tullock...


Joli Hannah, illustrated by Amelia Herbertson.

The format of this book is rather unusual as it resembles a Picture Book but has chapters and an instructional text. The chapters outline the story of a girl called...


Kallie George. Illustrated Sarah Gillingham.

An amazing diversity of fungi is pictured and discussed in this colourful book, Mushrooms Know. The Picture Book format allows for many illustrations followed by descriptions and functions of these...


Deborah Kelly . Illustrations Joanna Bartel.

Isla was afraid of the climbing frame. Her legs were shaky, and her arms were achy, and she felt she would never be brave enough to climb it. After another...


Kate Simpson, illustrated by Leila Rudge

One of the most essential skills we need to teach our children is to determine what is true or fact, and what is opinion or unreal. Unreal is a terrific...


Diane Lucas and Ben Tyler, illustrations Emma Long.

Karrire kundenge karribolknan kunwarddehwardde The cover on this Picture Book, Walking the Rock Country in Kakadu hardly prepares the reader for the explosion of colour to be seen when the...