More or Less Maddy


Lisa Genova

Lisa Genova is a neuroscientist who has written about people who “Tend to be ignored, feared and misunderstood because of what is going on in their brain.” She has previously...
Sisters and Husbands


Amanda Brookfield

Sisters and Husbands is a rewrite of the original story first released in 2002. In the blurb Brookfield says she was hesitant to do this, but upon re-reading the story...
Special Delivery


Leesa Ronald

Special Delivery from Leese Ronald is a fun and entertaining story as we meet Poppy, who is very pregnant, and very single, who has arrived back in her home town...
Twist of Fate 


Karly Lane

Writing about Australian women living in small rural towns is what Karly Lane excels at as she avoids the stereotyping and presents real women with everyday issues and challenges. Twist...
Finding Joy in Oyster Bay


Susan Duncan

Finding Joy in Oyster Bay is Susan’s Duncan’s eighth novel. She has developed a keen sense of description when it comes to the Australian bush and River to Coast life....


Kay Smith-Blum

Set in 1944 and then flowing into the Cold War period, Tangles from Kay Blum –Smith returns to a time when Nuclear research was in full flow and, Governments of...
Beam of Light


John Kinsella

Whenever John Kinsella releases a new book it always interesting to see what he has chosen as his latest inspiration; conservation, protest, history, people or a combination of subjects which...
Murdle Australia


GT Karber

50 seriously sinister murder mystery logic puzzles There are many people in our community who love to read a good murder story. The School of Mystery Murdle Australia is a...
My Name Is Gucci: A Dog’s Story


Sun Jung

Author Sun Jung has interestingly used Gucci, an ex-shelter dog as the narrator for her latest book. Gucci is no ordinary dalmatian – like cross breed dog; he is a...
Angel of Death


Rob Sinclair

In this gutsy, violent and enjoyable thriller Angel of Death, fans of clandestine espionage novels are in for a real treat in this riveting page-turner that segues from the Middle...