The Art Garden: Sowing the seeds of creativity

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       February 14, 2018


Author  Penny Harrison & Penelope Pratley

Distributor:      EK Books
ISBN:                 9781925335590
Publisher:         Exisle Kids Publishing - NZ
Release Date:   February 2018  





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The creative urge is strong in most young children. You can see it in their play, their activities and their interests. Today, most children have the opportunity to experience a range of skills to art, to cooking, to gardening and acting and many more. They are given a chance to discover strengths in their abilities and they can also recognise weaknesses.

 Sadie is a little girl who has seen her best friend paint, and draw many pictures. His art makes “Sadie’s heart smile”. Although she loves colours, and finding patterns, she just can’t capture what she visualises with a paint brush. She tries and tries, but cannot master this medium. After many attempts to paint, Sadie gives up in frustration, and sits in her favourite tree, to stare at her favourite place. The garden. She tends this with loving care and sees the patterns and shapes in leaves and flowers. Suddenly, Sadie realises how she can achieve the colour and pattern and creative design that she wants.

 This is a great look at alternatives to our own first thoughts. Not giving up on an idea but finding a way around stoppages is demonstrated. Sadie still loves her best friends painting, but now she can produce, colour, shape and form in her own special way.