I Stole My Genius Sister’s Brain

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       January 10, 2021


Author  Jo Simmons. Illustrations Nathan Reed.

Distributor:      Bloomsbury Children's Books
ISBN:                 9781526618566
Publisher:         Bloomsbury Children's Books
Release Date:   October 2020  




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Keith knew he had to do something desperate. His sister was a genius, and his parents spent much time taking her to every type of class. She did kick boxing and Latin, among many others things. Keith, who was not a genius, loved inventing and his great ambition was to go to the Inventors Fair in Paris, but how could he raise the five hundred dollars needed to get there?

This humorous story I Stole My Genius Sisters Brain shows the creative and outlandish lengths to which this boy will go to get some money. His sister wins money going on a junior quiz show, so Keith decides to give it a go. As a stark contrast to the other serious and dedicated students, he is quite light-hearted about the TV show. His first question is “What is the capital of Cuba?”  “Havena clue,” replies Keith. “Havana,” says the judge. “Yes, that’ what I said!” he replies. The audience are in stitches having never seen such a witty and fun-loving contestant.

Although the lad does not succeed in answering the quiz questions, he creates a fan following that can barely wait to hang on his every witty and fun filled sentence. Maybe this is a way he can create his own fund-raising scheme.

By his outlandish methods and his flouting of traditional seriousness, Keith manages to shock his family into realising there is more to their lives than winning and competing. This is a happy story and continues the set of books by this Jo Simmons and Nathan Reed about zany kids and their issues.