Love Around the World
Reviewed By Ian Banks January 7, 2020
Author Fleur Pierets, illustrated by Fatinha Ramos

Distributor: New South Books
ISBN: 9781644420058
Publisher: Six Foot Press
Release Date: December 2019
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Same sex marriage and parenting is a real component of modern-day life. In celebration of this Fleur Pierets and illustrator Fatinha Ramos have created a colourful children’s book, Love Around the World, discussing marriage between same sex couples, putting into context same sex marriage, to present to children answers for their never-ending questions about the many different people who are a part of their everyday world.
When Fleur Pierets asked Julian P. Boom to marry her it was a very exciting day for them both; a great event they considered would be the very best decision they could possibly make. They lived, slept and worked together, so getting married seemed to be absolutely the right thing for them.
But as they a were a same sex couple, a woman and woman, there were only 28 countries, out of the 195 countries that make up the world, where they were legally allowed to get married, and so they set off on an epic adventure, to travel the world and get married in each and every one of the 28 countries; Love Around the World is their story.
They began their adventure in The Netherlands, where Julian was born, and then on to the vibrant pulsating scene of New York. They came to Australia where they went to a smoking ceremony, believed to have healing powers. France is the most romantic country in the world; getting married in Paris was wedding number 4, and then on to Belgium, where Fleur’s mother clapped the loudest.
A clear, graphic style, presents the story with colour and joy as the couple travel around the world, celebrating their love for each other. It is not until the final page there is the suggestion, carefully worded, that something is very different, because in the middle of their trip to Mexico orange blossoms are used to symbolise their love.
As a foot note and not to spoil the next edition of this story as it is far from over, Julian was diagnosed with Brain Cancer, sadly loosing her battle not long after they married in Paris; marriage number 4.
Love a Around the World is a tribute to her and a continuation of a voyage begun, but not yet complete.