Nuddy Ned’s Christmas

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       November 23, 2016


Author  Kes Gray, illustrated by Garry Parsons

Distributor:      Bloomsbury
ISBN:                 9781408865989
Publisher:         Bloomsbury Children
Release Date:   November 2016  

Website:    http:/ 




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Lift the flap books are fun, and this one is no exception. Imagine the excitement for a young boy trying to go to sleep on Christmas Eve. It is no wonder the excitement and impatience of Ned prompt’s him into extreme action. This is a Christmas picture book that will have the whole family laughing. The flaps in this book serve to preserve Ned’s modesty as he runs through the town.

 Ned just needs to leap out of bed and see Father Christmas for himself. Even though it is a freezing cold night, he can run faster with no clothes on. Mum and Dad are startled and chase after their boy, but he has his mind set on going to a high place to see Santa. Luckily he doesn’t upset the carol singers too much as he speeds on his way.

 The story begins with “Fairy lights a twinkling,

                                      Stockings neatly hung.

                                      Turkey stuffed and parsnips peeled-

                                       The Christmas prep was done.”

 This introduces the reader to a delightful rhyming prose with some hilarious matches in rhyme. Referring to Ned, the reindeer who were just leaving Lanzarote, thought they saw a botty! Each page proves a delight, as the short rhyming phrases describe what Ned is doing. On certain pages there are flaps, and you can imagine what part of Ned they just manage to cover.

 Along with the humorous text, the illustrations are delightful. They fill the whole double spread pages, and add to the text. The snowman’s blush is clever, and he plays his part in protecting Ned’s privacy. It’s always fun to lift the flaps in a book, but these flaps are strategically placed for Nuddy Ned.

 This is a Christmas book with colour, humour, delightful rhyming text, and a surprise ending. It demands to be read aloud, although it won’t be by a fire I suspect. Great fun!