Open Very Carefully – a book with a bite

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       November 26, 2014


Author  Nicola O?۪Byrne & Nick Bromley

ISBN:                 978-0-85763-047-6
Publisher:         Nosy Crow
Release Date:    





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There’s a hole in this book but you have to read all the pages to find it (No looking at the last page, that’s’ not fair!). Then there’s a very scary someone inside this book who is trying to get out of the story. Not only that but he seems to be very hungry. What things does he like to eat? Perhaps it’s the book? Perhaps it’s letters? Maybe it’s something else? Or perhaps he just plain grumpy?

There’s also a duck inside this book – no not the Ugly Duckling – who is trying very hard to make sure the very scary someone, who also lives in the book, behaves himself and doesn’t get into too much trouble.

Little ones of all ages will enjoy this interactive story book which not only introduces letters but actions on how to sort out a very troublesome crocodile that simply will not do what he should be doing.

 Fun and games for all as you read each page and enjoy the fantastic illustrations which make up the fun part of the story, along with the words, as the crocodile really does not look that menacing and the duck appears to be able to organise a crocodile out to get this dinner.

A fun read with, as always, a little message hidden somewhere underneath all the fun.