The Funny Life of Teachers

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       August 24, 2019


Author  James Campbell. Illustrator Rob Jones.

Distributor:      Bloomsbury Childrens Books
ISBN:                 9781408898246
Publisher:         Bloomsbury Publishing
Release Date:   July 2019  




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Reluctant readers and children who love humour and fun, will enjoy this book. The front cover gives a good indication of what to expect inside. The cartoon characters and suggestions of smutty fun, “Snot flying out your nose,” are certainly enough to encourage a further examination. On opening the pages, we discover that this is not factually accurate, and the reader is warned not to use it for a project.

On further entry we are told that the book is only for four kinds of people. Are you one of them? The only people who shouldn’t read this is teachers. The next thing we discover is that this book isn’t to be read as an ordinary book. You start wherever you want and move backwards or forwards. Sometimes you are told to go back to a specific page to follow on a topic.

The contents page has chapters such as School Map, The Office, Staffroom, and Toilets. There are also stories with a moral. The author retells his drama of trying to take frogspawn to school in a bowl and gradually spilling it all as he travelled. Seeing your teacher in the real-world taps into the surprise many children feel when they see their teacher out of the classroom and in a social setting, it just doesn’t seem right.

James Campbell and Rob Jones have produced a book that may certainly allay anxieties about school for some children. Their humorous take on all matters relating to schooling will show children another side to that institution, as well as the teachers and customs that have developed around it. A fun read.