The Incurable Imagination
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley April 6, 2019
Author Paul Russell. Illustrations: Aska
Distributor: EK Books
ISBN: 978-1925335972
Publisher: Exile Publishing PtyLtd
Release Date: April 2019
What an absolutely feel good, funny and 100 percent enjoyable celebration of all things, the Imagination, which may seem like a bit of ridiculous statement, but consider for a moment the age in which we live, the massive push to conform and the fall-out when you dare to be different.
The Incurable Imagination from the witty pen of Paul Russel with quirky illustrations from Aska celebrates being different, with a little girl called Audrey who was always considered as different, right from when she was old enough to see things differently.
The problem was that being different was something Audrey never grew out of and when all the other children painted their parents Audrey painted Ogres! Not just any Ogre but the one who loved to drink tea and also lived under her bed!
When she went to school she was eventually diagnosed with having a very bad case of Imagination, in fact the very worst her teacher had ever seen. When they showed her eh alphabet chart, she turned it into soup, trolls were found in cardboard boxes and witches really did it seemed fly on broomsticks at least according to Audrey.
But where will this serious condition end…………
Being different Audrey style bought smiles, fun and a great sense of the ridiculous to all those who became infected with this ‘terrible condition’ , so be very careful when you read this book aloud, or even quietly, because you might find yourself smiling for no good reason, imagining castles in the air and generally having a really fantastic time all day, every day.
A wonderful romp of a book that will without doubt become a firm favourite in the home and classroom.
What a terrible thing to happen!