The Princess and the Pearl

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       July 19, 2017


Author  E. D. Baker

Distributor:      Bloomsbury
ISBN:                 9781681191355
Publisher:         Bloomsbury USA
Release Date:   March 2017  




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For those young at heart who love fantasy and romance, this series of books has it all. It covers some original ideas which are enticing, such as Princess Annie’s ability to be untouched by magic, and her new husband’s method of travel which involves a post card. The gentle love story together with the terrible problem that Annie’s father suffers from (Blue feet), keep the story moving at a good speed.

 If the King with the blue feet is not helped, he will soon die, so it falls to Annie and her husband, Liam, to find a solution, and save the King. Liam has been told that he is ready to take over the crown from his own father, and wants to settle the illness issues so he can go back to his own lands to assume his rightful position as ruler of his lands.

 Many doctors come to Annie’s family castle, but none can help the sick men. Now the real adventures begin as the princess and her partner need to travel to the other side of the world to find a witch who lives at Skull Cove. This involves a long sea voyage again with many adventures along the way.

 The doctor is eventually located and again, much magic and trickery is used to persuade him to help the sickly royals. The characters in this novel are varied and interesting. Liam’s brother would do anything to harm him and is a most selfish and spoilt person. Liam’s stepmother is also quite wicked, but gets her just deserts in a very funny way.

 The combination of interesting characters, challenging problems and family ties makes for satisfying reading. Just as the other books in the series show the progress of the relationship between Liam and Annie, their lives and the lives of those around them, this book adds to the saga.

 Readers can speculate on the future of this wise and kindly couple, their dragon friends, and comrades.