The Song for Everyone

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       April 20, 2021


Author  Lucy Morris

Distributor:      Bloomsbury Children's Books
ISBN:                 978-1547602865
Publisher:         Bloomsbury Children's Books
Release Date:   2021  




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The power of music is often underrated but over the past year reaching out via this wonderful medium has touched hearts and souls of people everywhere, when very little else has helped.

Lucy Morris has captured the magic of music in her beautiful story The Song For Everyone, which encapsulates the very essence of joy and healing, courtesy of a sweet melody drifting out on the breeze.  The melody came from one small window, a teeny, tiny little window hidden up in the eaves of a house; a window that was easily overlooked.

Each morning this sweet sound drifted out, cheering the schoolboy on his long walk to school, the little old lady struggling to town for her bread and milk, the tired and hungry homeless cat all stopped to enjoy the magic of this sweet sound.

As the days went on and the song kept on wafting throughout the streets the entire town felt happier. They began to care about each other once again and kindness was everywhere, until one day the sweet sound stopped and the town and the people were silent.

What can have happened? This was terrible. A meeting was called for all the townspeople and a plan was made to find out what had caused the joyful sound to have stopped. If everyone worked together, they decided, they could reach the high window and have look at what went wrong and perhaps fix it, so the music could be heard once again.

The Song For Everyone is a timeless story about coming together, to form a community, to be happy, caring and kind to others, all threaded together through the magic and the power of music, whether it be a piece from a mighty orchestra or a simple sweet melody, the magic is there, all around.

Soft gentle illustrations capture the emotions of sadness, life, joy and happiness which are all as delicate as the storyline, making this a perfect book to read with, or give to, children who are struggling with change or sadness in their lives.