The Truth Detective: How to make sense of a world that doesn’t add up

Reviewed By  Nan van Dissel       March 14, 2023


Author  Tim Hartford. Illustrations Ollie Mann.

Distributor:      Hachette Australia
ISBN:                 9781526364579 |
Publisher:         Hachette. Imprint Wren and Rook.
Release Date:   March 2023  




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If you are a curious, critical thinker and interested in figuring out what is true and what is not, why not become the perfect Truth Detective?  What is a Truth Detective you ask? Instead of catching murderers or thieves, a Truth Detective hunts for the truth.

Author of nine popular books, Tim Hartford, has created a colourful, easy to read manual, which will teach you how to become an outstanding Truth Detective.

If you apply the ten simple rules, you will sharpen your skills and soon you will be finding clues and solving tough cases. Although numbers are an important tool for discovering clues which lead us to the truth, this isn’t a book about math’s.

By applying great real world examples and interesting stories about past and present heroes, he methodically explains and illustrates his ten simple rules. He lets you see what is really going on, so that you can see past the tricks often used by the media to bamboozle you!

In order to help you become a thoughtful, imaginative Truth Detective, who looks beyond the obvious, Mr. Hartford has ended each chapter with ‘Tricks, Tactics, and Tools’ which summerises the main points of the chapter.  

By combining historical anecdotes, personal observations and research, the author has created an entertaining must read for not only inquisitive 10-12 year olds, but also for older readers, who want to make sense of a complex world.